Way Out Weigh-In

What did I say last week?  Ahh, here’s the very quote: “I’m going to give you ‘site stats so you can chart the page visits here at Food Is Love and Fat Is Freedom.  Stats about me, and stats about the ‘site — and you’ll get an update every Tuesday!  How cool is that?”

This damn towel adds fifteen pounds. -- No! Twenty at least.

This damn towel adds fifteen pounds. — No! Twenty at least.


I thought you didn't have to worry about calories when you're on vacation.

I thought you didn’t have to worry about calories when you’re on vacation.

What was I thinking??

Well, let’s start with me.  My “stats”, such as they are appear below:

Charon’s Aide
Date: November 12, 2013
US 182.5 Lbs
UK 13 Stone  1/2 Lbs
Eur 82.8 Kg
US 5 feet 11 in
71 inches
Eur 180 cm
BMI: 25.5 Cat Over O
US 39 7/8 in
Eur 101.3 cm
US 37 3/4 in
Eur 96 cm
US 39 1/2 in
Eur 100 cm
Pants: 36 Waist 31 Length
Shirt: L Size 17 Collar
Briefs: 34 inches Jacket: 44
Shoes: 11 1/2
Food Highlights:
Mac & Cheese, or something
9 or 10 Moxies
Maybe I’m not much of an eater??
Plenty of Mocha Frappes (5 maybe)
Big Sombrero + 5 cookies, nightly

<NOTE TO YOU COMPUTER WIZARDS — The chart, which looks like total crap, looked pretty good when I pasted it on my post draft.   I copied it from an Excel sheet.  How can I make it look like it’s supposed to?>

So, like, I lost half a pound in a week.  Does that merit a “Yippee!” or a “Boo!”.  Neither, really, since I have no intention of losing weight; none of gaining; and none, even, of staying the same.  I’m only posting my weight stats because I think it’s so damned hot when women post them.

So, ladies, if I can do it so can you.  I’m looking for a detailed report — and I want one every week!  I’m not asking because I’m some kind of jerk — I’m asking because I’m a FEEDER.  I’ll feed you with Haagen Dazs and I’ll feed me with numbers.


Now, what sort of stats are we looking at here at Food Is Love and Fat Is Freedom?  Is the news good, or is it bad??

Well, as you learned last week, there were 29 page views for the seven days ending November 4.
And, as you are learning right now, there were 85 page views for the seven days ending November 11.

Nice work all you blubber lovers!  That’s a 193% increase.  That’s like a 120 pound girl working her way up to 352 delicious pounds.  Think of how proud you’d be of her!  Well, that’s how proud I am of all of you!


Be Happy,
Be Well,


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4 thoughts on “Way Out Weigh-In

  1. This is an interesting project, I hope it catches. We need to not be so freaked out by numbers, or learn to embrace them. I know a lot of women who are totally terrified of scales; one friend recently decided she needed to stop looking at numbers because they stress her out so much. (They stress me out, too, but in my case, my digestive disorder is causing uncontrollable weight loss, which I’m desperately trying to stop.)

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